Buch Basel 2023

Buch Basel 2023

BuchBasel opens its doors once again this year, from 17 to 19 November 2023. It is an international literary festival, a place of literary exchange, a meeting place for authors from all over the world and literature lovers from the border triangle and beyond. BuchBasel is the largest curated festival with an international focus in Switzerland. It is characterised by a varied and committed programme that does not shy away from addressing contemporary (literary) debates. 

A total of 107 events take place over three days. These events include classic water-glass readings with well-known literary stars such as Olga Tokarczuk and Daniel Kehlmann. The programme also includes experimental literary presentations, crossover formats with music, multimedia formats and performances, a series on digital literature, as well as educational and children’s events. Around ten events are dedicated to an annually changing theme of social and political relevance and topicality. This year’s theme is I-You-We. The guiding principles are breadth, relevance and innovation. The centre of the festival is the Volkshaus Basel. There are also many other venues in Kleinbasel. On the Sunday of the festival, the prestigious Swiss Book Prize is awarded as part of BuchBasel.

For full programme and ticket details please visit the official website; https://www.buchbasel.ch/de/

