What exactly is an alpine descent? 

What exactly is an alpine descent? 

The Alpine descent is also known as the Alpabzug (Swiss German) or Désalpes (French). In Switzerland, we know the clock will soon strike autumn, when processions of cows crowned with flowers and hung with giant jingling bells descend from the summer pastures to their winter stables before the snow falls. After months of grazing in the pastures, the animals return down to the plains. 

Alpine descent is a long tradition has been taking place in Switzerland and other European countries since about 3000 BCE.

You can find several event during September and October. If you wanna witness this special moments, save the dates.

21-22 September 2023

Wengneralp: Two groups of cows will pass through Wengen. The first group is expected in the village at around 10.30 am. Route: Wengernalp – Allmend towards Wengen swimming pool – English church – Hotel Bernerhof – Dorfstrasse.

23 September 2023

Charmey (Gruyere): Charmey’s crowning event of the year, has acquired international renown. Those who love traditions and authenticity find that this celebration, every fourth Saturday in September.

Entlebucher: The Alpabfahrt has become a huge street festival, one of the largest alpine processions in Switzerland and a kind of “little yodelling festival”. In recent years, more than 10,000 visitors have regularly greeted the alpine families with their beautifully decorated animals on their return from the alps to the valley. In the village of Schüpfheim, the Saturday market is lined with stalls selling regional products and small pubs. Here you can hear yodelling, alphorns and brass bands.

Ennetbürger: From approx. 11.00 to 17.00 hrs, the village centre of Ennetbürgen will be in a festive mood. One by one, the decorated carts parade through the village. The festival restaurant offers food and drink and the market stalls with regional products invite you to stroll and shop.

Guarda: In the village of Guarda, the animals are brought back home after the alpine summer. Start: between 13:00 and 14:00.

Lauterbrunnen: The animals coming down from the mountain pastures. Between. 14.30 – 15.00 (from Hotel Silberhorn along the main road towards the church car park).

Schwarzsee: The return of cattle is one of the best known, traditional Alpine Herdsman festivals. After a four-months summer spent in the hills, the colourfully decorated cattle returns to the valley on Saturday 23th of September 2023. The celebration takes place in the village Plaffeien.

Schwanden: The Alpabzug in Schwanden will be framed with a nice festival restaurant, various market stalls and handicrafts. There will also be a demonstration of how the bell straps are embroidered. In the course of the morning, the alpine herdsmen and women will arrive at the festival site with their animals, and ESAF Muni Zibu will also join them.

30 September 2023

Albeuve: Here you will not only be able to experience the parade, but also to enjoy the traditional music and to meet the local producers, among other things.

Klöntal: The alpine procession in Klöntal is small but nice. During the morning, the visitors welcome the big Sennte Oberlängenegg, which makes its way home along the Klöntalersee with an impressive crowd.

Näfels: Several Alpine dairymen from the Obersee, Schwändital and Klöntal valleys make their way home and arrive at the village square in Näfels. The valley fills with the sound of bells as the Sennten can only be seen far above the bridge. It is still a few minutes before they reach the festival square in Näfels, where the beautiful wait for the rustic moment of their arrival.

St-Cergue: The village of St-Cergue is very attached to its traditions and perpetuates the celebration of the Désalpe with passion and authenticity. Various typical activities are offered and local craftsmen present their work at the market.

7-8 October 2023

Prättigauer Alp: The Prättigauer Alp Spektakel is a successful mixture of traditional Swiss alpine culture, modern alpine economy and living traditions: Big alpine procession, alpine cheese tasting, alpine cheese, speciality and handicraft market, children’s programme with petting zoo, sheep shearing, yodelling fair, international alpine beard meeting, cattle spectacle and food of all kinds…

14 October 2023

Urnäsch: Here you will find more than 50 stalls from different farming families and you can taste the local products. Craft market at the church of 9107 Urnäsch and open day at the smithy. In the festival restaurant you can enjoy various specialities. Entertainment is provided by the sow races at 11:00, 13:00 and 15:00. You can bet on the sows. Musical entertainment is provided by the Buebenchörli Urnäsch and other musical groups at various locations.

(Photoes are taken by Duygu Saracoglu in Einselden Alpine Descent 2023)

