Population Bomb in the World

Population Bomb in the World

When we consider the population from 1959 (3 billion) to 1999 (6 billion), it has doubled in 40 years. The world population has been increasing every year, it is estimated to reach 8 billion in 2023, reach 10 billion people in the year 2057 and by the end of the century the UN expects a global population of  11.2 billion. Births and immigration, population growth rate and deaths and emigration are the parameters for the estimation of the population. 

 Why does the world population increase every year?

  • The average number of years a newborn can expect to live longer. (Increased from 48 yrs to 67 btw 1955 and 2002 in the world)
  • Infant mortality rate is lower than before 
  • Society has less problems like high incidence of infectious diseases, malnutrition and insufficient nutrition, under nutrition are some of the reasons for that.

„Population growth is not a negligible issue. But on a planetary scale, high- consuming lifestyles are a bigger problem“ 

What is the solution for further increasing of population in the world?Joel Cohen, 1995, „How many people can the Earth support?“ 

  • Bigger pie (improving technology)
  • Fewer forks (slowing population growth)
  • Better manners (rationalize and improve decision-making through changing global culture) 

The actions which we take with the population grows like more food production, agriculture methods, the way of using water are all related to sustainability.  Food security is one of the challenges of feeding a lot of people. Continuing population and consumption growth mean that the global demand for food will increase as well. That means growing competition for land, water and energy will affect our ability to produce food as well. You will read all these steps in this blog series. 

