Witnessing of the global warming and Steingletscher Glacier Hike in Switzerland

Witnessing of the global warming and Steingletscher Glacier Hike in Switzerland

Height: Height above sea level: 1950 – 2900m

Location: Gadmen, Haslital, Bernese Oberland, Switzerland 

The Stein Glacier is located in the Urner Alps in the canton of Berne in Switzerland, it is a 4 km long glacier. When you are on your way to Stein glacial, you pass from the Susten Pass and the Susten Pass is just itself stunning.

Susten Pass, Meien Uri Switzerland
Milky-white Lake Steinsee in Gadmen, Bern

Walking on Stein glacial

It is an amazing experience to walk on the glacial. Time to time you really feel the differences on ice. There are water holes on area, and important to don’t slip into one of these!

Milky-white Lake Steinsee

Water released by the melting glacial ice enters this lake in the form of many small streams plus the area next to the lake is full of small and big stones making this place very interesting.

The most exciting part of the glacier with big crevasses

To note

  • bring the proper hiking shoes, the one which wraps around wrists. (You need good shoes in order to get the crampons on).
  • Bring or rent crampons. 
  • Warm and good clothing also protecting from wind and rain. 
  • Hat and glows can be good to have.  
  • You need an expert from the area who knows where you can walk on glacial.

The last point is quite important because these places have been changing rapidly each year, it is important to know which area is melting and which area is still in iced condition and in this way, you can walk-in safe. Another plus is that they know the area very well and always communicate with other local guides as well, they even give you detailed information such as the landscape conditions, water levels in the area.

